Thursday, March 3, 2011

Why Is the Toilet in the Hallway?

My friend Amelia, who is five years old, asks the most provocative questions. Her latest one was, “Why is the toilet in the hall?”

This question prompts complex philosophical inquiry. There are many ways to explain such a phenomenon, as exemplified below.

“Well, it’s better there than in the bedroom!” This is usually going to be true, depending of course on what goes on in the bedroom.

“You see, when you don’t know how else to fix your life, you tend to turn your attention to plumbing.” When in doubt, upgrade your flushing capacities; you can’t go wrong.

“Well, the time was right. We decided to remodel our daughter’s bathroom before she moves out. She will enjoy it for a whole two months. Carpe diem.” Carpe momentus stupido.

“Well, we didn’t know if we were selling or staying, so we decided to embark on a project to further confound ourselves.”

As for the psychotherapist’s take on the toilet in the hall, as long as nobody uses it, there should be no permanent psychological harm.

Why the toilet is still in the hallway? Because, madam, you’re not in as much of a mess as other clients.” This is cause for optimism.

None of my explanations quite seemed to impress Amelia. So I distracted her by showing her the marvels of the black hole in the floor, down which goes the poop. She gaped in amazement. Now this,this indeed, was a profound revelation.


  1. This is hysterical. I wonder why the floss and Pepto Bismol is on the bedside stand? Where is that darn mouthguard?

  2. Cute. Very cute. The lesson here, aside from cleaning up life one way or the other, is to stay on a friendly basis with plumber, electrician, carpet cleaner, arborist, and all the other dear people who bring joy during moments of cluttered living. Which, probably, is most of the time. Life is messy!

    Is this chapter two of the 'Shit Happens' story??? Can't wait for the next!

    Love your stories!


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